12th February 2025

The Assemblies of God Ghana (AG-Ghana) on Monday, January 9, 2023, began a one-week fasting and prayers programme to commence the year.

The prayer conference is on the theme “HOLINESS FOR REVIVAL – 1 PET 1:15-16”.

Below are the 70 prayer points released by the National Superintendent, Rev. Wengam, for the prayers.






Mon 9th & Tues 10th Jan

(1) Prayer of repentance (individual, family, church and nation) – Nehemiah 1:1-5

Confess individual and collective sins

(2) Prayer of rededication (rededicate your individual life, family, church and nation to God)

(3) Plead for mercy and divine exemption from God’s wrath and judgement on the account of our sins (Joel 2:15-17)

(4) Pray for restoration of all that we have lost owing to our sins of disobedience (Joel 2:25)

(5) Pray that God will restore His glory in our midst

(6) Pray for spiritual renewal and revival on every side (Psalm 51:7-12)

(7) Pray that God will release the spirit of holiness upon the church, families, and the nation

(8) Pray that God will perfect holiness in your life, family, the church and nation (2 Cor 7:1)

(9) Pray for a prosperous and peaceful 2023 (Joshua 3:5)

(10) Pray that God’s plan and purposes for 2023 will manifest (Luke 22:42-43)

(11) Pray that God will release grace, resources and wisdom for the realisation of the aspirations of the Transformation Agenda (Vision of the new leadership team of A/G, Ghana) ie church planting, infrastructuraland human capital development, revival, repositioning, restoration and rebranding.

(12) Pray for the Executive Presbytery of Assemblies of God, Ghana led by Rev Stephen Wengam, General Superintendent (wisdom, unity, favor, vision, good health, divine direction, protection etc)

(13) Pray for the numerical, spiritual & financial growth of all our churches

(14) Pray that every member will experience the blessings of God in (Exodus 23:23-28)

(15) Pray that God will preserve and protect members, pastors & leaders (Psalm (1:4-16)

(16) Pray that every member and pastor will have a unique encounter with God in 2023 (Exodus 33:18-19)

(17) Pray that every church will be empowered to embark on aggressive evangelism and church planting.

(18) Pray for the peace, unity and prosperity of Ghana.

(19) Pray and bind the plans and agenda of Satan for 2023 (Matthew 16:19)


Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th January

(17) Pray in tongues for 20 minutes. Build up yourself in your most holy faith (Jude 1:20)

(18) Pray for open heavens in 2023 (release of great blessings, answers to prayers and financial prosperity)Genesis 28:12-14

(19) Pray for wisdom to solve the problems which will emerge in 2023

(20) Pray for the grace to survive and thrive in these times of difficulties (global economic recession). Pray for supernatural provision to meet needs (individual, family, the church & nation)

(21) Pray for the grace to be Christlike in 2023

(22) Pray for divine direction in 2023

(23) Pray that God will deliver you, your family, A/G members from satanic traps and calamities

(24) Deal with demonic prophecies and evil wishes which has been uttered in the demonic world concerning you, your family and A/G to manifest in 2023

(25) Bind the strongman assigned to A/G, Ghana/headquarters. Bind his plans, evil agenda and demonic orchestration against the growth of the organisation, local churches, districts, regions and the General Council (Matthew 12:29)

(26) Pray that God will resource, grace, and empower A/G Ghana to evangelise every town, city and village in Ghana (churches will be planted in every village and town). Eg Release monies, motor bikes, vehicles, missionaries etc

(27) Pray that God will open doors for pastors and churches who are struggling financially

(28) Pray for the release of donors, enablers, and funds for the construction of the Assemblies of God Centenary Village (International Convention Center for large gatherings, camp meetings and retreats)

(29) Pray that God will instil in A/G, Ghana (local churches, districts, regions & headquarters) a spirit/culture of excellence (2 Kings 10:1-8)

(30) Pray that God will lead us in future restructuring and administrative reforms necessary for growth, expansion and prosperity

(31) Pray for the unity of A/G Ghana (at every level-local, district, region and general council)

(32) Pray for explosive numerical growth in our local churches (Micah 4:1-2)

(33) Pray for the release of financial resources to complete individual, family, church, district, regions and headquarters projects

(34) Pray for the revival and restoration of Ghana’s economy

(35) Pray that God will give everyone the grace to fulfil his or her new year resolutions

(36) Pray and claim the blessings in Deut 28:1-12 whiles asking for grace to be obedient to God’s word

(37) Pray that God will perfect holiness in our lives and in Assemblies of God, Ghana

(38) Pray that there will be true revival in A/G, Ghana (Joel 2:15-32)


Friday 13th & Sat 14th January

(38) Pray for revival in your personal life, family, district, region, General Council, departments, headquarters & agencies

(39) Pray that our pastors and members will love righteousness and hate inequity (Heb 1:9-11)

(40) Let’s pray for grace to overcome the desires of the flesh

(41) Let’s pray that the fear of God will consume the church causing us to flee from sin

(42) Let’s pray for grace to bear the fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:19-22)

(43) Let’s pray that every member of our church will come to the saving knowledge of Christ

(44) Pray that the Holy Spirit will revive the spirit of missions and evangelism in the church leading to church growth and church planting.

(45) Pray that the Holy Spirit will release unequalled financial prosperity on A/G, Ghana for the planting churches and the beginning and finishing of major church projects

(46) Pray for massive support for the construction of Assemblies of God Centenary Village. Release funds, the spirit of loyalty and world class builders.

(47) Pray that Assemblies of God will become the church in Micah 4:1-2. Pray that we shall become the highest of the mountains and exalted above the hills (prominent, influential, global impact etc)

(48) Pray for the leadership of the church that we will lead in righteousness and with integrity.

(49) Pray that God will perfect our individual character

(50) Pray that the fear of God will consume the church


Sunday 15th January

(51) Pray for God’s supernatural provision in these hard times (Exodus 16:17)

(52) Pray for businesses of members of the church. Pray for grace to thrive, growth and expansion

(53) Pray for the jobless, singles, widows, orphans and retired ministers in the church, pray for divine provision for them.

(54) Pray for healing for the sick and good health for God’s people

(55) Pray that God will heal and restore troubled marriages

(56) Pray that God will make a way where there is no way

(57) Pray that pastors and members will seek first the kingdom God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33)

(58) Pray that God will cause our departments, ministries and agencies to grow and flourish (eg men, women, youth, children, home & foreign mission, music, prisons, AGCM, Ministers Wives Association, AGTV, Bible School, A/G Care, Prime Insurance, AGLC (Press), AGBL (Bookshop) ect)

(59) Pray for unity in the church at every level

(60) Pray that our pastors and members will be loyal to the church

(61) Pray for promotion for our members in their career

(62) Pray that our members will excel in every field of endevour

(63) Pray that God will confirm His word with signs and wonders in the Assemblies of God, Ghana.

(64) Pray that God will lead you on the path of righteousness

(65) Pray for open doors for our members, pastors, churches etc

(66) Pray for our pastors in rural areas who are struggling. Let’s pray that the Rural Pastors and Missions Fund about to be launched will take care of their challenges.

(67) Pray that God will build His church so that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)

(68) Pray that brotherly love will be exhibited in the church

(69) Pray that God will reveal Himself to the unsaved in our churches

(70) Pray that God will use Assemblies of God, Ghana to fulfil His own plans and purposes


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