11th February 2025

In their collective statement issued to Ghanaians after their 10-day Annual Plenary Assembly in the Catholic Diocese of Keta-Akatsi, the members of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, have encouraged the Government of Ghana to do everything possible to phase out the double-track system which according to them has been fraught with several challenges confronting students, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff.

While calling for the phasing out, the Bishops however commended the Government for rolling out the Free Senior High School (SHS) programme which seeks to make education accessible for many more graduates from the JHS level.

The Bishops vehemently condemned all acts of occultism and homosexuality in some educational institutions, promoted or sponsored by people in and outside the schools to the detriment of human dignity and the standard of education in Ghana.

“We also condemn examination malpractices such as selling and buying of question papers and the trading of grades in cash or kind,” they said.

According to them, the Church teaches that “true education is directed towards the formation of the human person in view of his final end and the good of that society to which he belongs and in the duties to which he will, as an adult, have a share” (Gravissimum Educationis 1).

The Bishops stressed the unique critical role Mission Schools have been playing to assist Government to offer quality education delivery in Ghana but however expressed worry that some policies of Government educational reforms in recent times have ignored the concerns of the Mission schools.

“In the spirit of collaboration, we would like to, once again, urge the Government to implement without further delay the process towards signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government and Religious Bodies on the partnership in education delivery in Ghana,” the Ghanaian Bishops stated.
This, according to them, will bring to a close some of the challenges we face as Religious Bodies with regard to the management of our schools. We feel that this has dragged on for far too long.


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