8th September 2024

Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia

Yesterday 25/6/2023 at the Assin North rally in support of Charles Opoku, the NPP parliamentary aspirant for the Assin North by election, there was REAL SHOW of Love and unity among all party faithfuls that gathered. Exchange of PLEASANTRIES and EXHIBITION of PARTY UNITY was at it best especially when the FLAGBEARER ASPIRANTS sat together in a roll at the front seat and were seen talking to each other.

Unfortunately, this show of love would have been muddied if not for the calm and composed nature of one aspirant, Alan Kyeremanteng who decided to ignore the calculated provocation of the unfortunate behavior exhibited by the Vice President and his team

The stage was made in such a way that all dignitaries would use the back stage and use a step created for that purpose. With RESPECT and LOVE for party all DIGNITARIES used the back stage but the veep ALONE Walked through the crowd when ALAN was SPEAKING.

With a brassband following him, HE DISTORTED THE PROGRAM such that Alan had to put on hold his speech for the Veep to appear through the unapproved route (walking in the crowd with his guards pushing people away to pave way) to sit before he (Alan) continued his speech. Alan conducted himself gentlemanly and must be commended.

It is Worthy of note that all other presidential Aspirants, Ministers, MPs, CEOs, the CHIEF OF STAFF and EVEN THE PRESIDENT USED THE BACKSTAGE Which was officially created for that purpose.

How come DMB alone decided to walk in the middle of the crowd through the unapproved frontage when Alan was halfway through his speech?

If readers could remember, in Kumasi during the national conference, DMB entered the place when even the President was seated. Followed by some people the program was halted to allow him in. If I may ask, Is that a normal protocol system?

I believe the handlers of DMB and party leaders for such programs must call him to order to avoid counters.

I say so because if the likes of Hon. Kennedy Agyapong who is a Pure Assin Guy wanted to enter the place with brass band at such a program within his own ASSIN NORTH amid funfair at a time when even the president was speaking, wouldn’t all attention have shifted to him. And would that be the BEST?

*Again* , I *want* to ask, *Can* *DMB* *mobilize* *more* *crowd* in *Assin* *North* *than* *Kennedy* *Ohene* *Agyapong* ?

I guess your answer is *Absolutely* **No*. But he didn’t do that as each one decided to Focus on the party interest than a show of *individualistic* call for *awareness* of *candidature* as the Bawumiah team exhibited

It is important to note that for the Veep to choose that *old* *fashioned* *model* of entering a program especially at a time that someone is speaking just like the NDC did to J J Rawlings in their Sunyani congress when Papa J was speaking was unfortunate and highly disappointing. NPP is above such tactics

Leaders of the Great NPP party need to make DMB aware since he hasn’t personally contested for any position of his own before in NPP that, the behavior he exhibited at yesterday’s rally is part of the things that bring *tension* in internal elections.

Such show of disresgard for protocol can’t, shouldn’t and wouldn’t be tolerated I’m this beautiful NPP party. The earlier the Veep is adviced to adhere to the tenet of NPP internal elections and respect for protocol at functions the better.

The team DMB must again take note and follow due protocol to avoid confrontation especially at programs that SEEKS TO UNITE THE PARTY.

An Advice to all Aspirants and their followers.

May God bless the NPP and Ghana

Munku aku bareke

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