8th September 2024

The DCE (In smock) Presenting the roofing sheet to Mr. Amoako

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Achiase, Richmond Agyabeng Amponsah, has surprised a person with disability (PWD) who is a farmer in the district.


The PWD, Mr. Amoako, struggles to walk even with the help of crutches. That notwithstanding, he is into serious farming; he possesses several tracts of acres of cash and food crops. Besides, he is into animal rearing such as goats, fowls, pigs, among others.


During this year’s Annual Farmers’ Day celebration in the District held at Akyem Nyankomase, the DCE donated a packet of roofing sheet to the farmer.

Display of farmers produce at the event

Speaking to eveningmailgh.com on the sidelines of the celebration, Mr. Amponsah stated that he was touched by the hard work of the farmer despite his condition.


He said he did the donation because during inspection of farms ahead of the celebration, he observed that the roofing of Mr. Amoako’s pigsty was in a bad state.


On his part, Mr. Amoako told eveningmailgh.com that he did not let his current state define him because he believes ability is not in physical stature. He, therefore, encouraged other PWDs not to resort to begging; instead, they should get something meaningful to do with their hands.


Mr. Amoako also won the disability farmer of the district and apart from the DCE’s surprise he received a spraying machine, six machetes, a piece of cloth, a wheelbarrow, weedicides, among other farm inputs.


Best Farmer

Mr. Peter Mensah, a native of Nyankomase, was adjudged the overall best farmer of the district. He received a tricycle known in the local parlance as ‘Aboboyaa’, a spraying machine, among other farm inputs.

The DCE Presenting the Best farmer’s award

Abraham Quaggrey and Rev. James Aduyaw were adjudged first and second runners-up respectively.


A total of 20 farmers were awarded on the day. All award winners received various forms of farm inputs from the District Assembly and the District Food and Agricultural Department.


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