8th September 2024

The Oboadwan festival has been launched at Asamankese despite earlier request to prevent its celebration pending a chieftaincy matter at the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council.

Chief of Awurasa, Barima Pobi Asomaning II earlier this week appealed to the various authorities as well as security agencies to halt the launching by one, Osabarima Adu Darko III until the case is ruled.

The festival, which has not been celebrated over the past four years after the demise of the late chief, Osabarima Kwaku Amoah III as the struggle for a successor continues to be a challenge.

The Koforidua High Court, chaired by His Lordship Justice Henry A. Kwofie on 16th June, 2016 gave a ruling on a contempt case presented by Nana Pobi Asomaning and Abusuapanin Kwasi Asare against the Defendants; Obaapanin Akosua Birikoramaa, Barima Kwame Ofori, Baffour Otibu Darkwa and Antwi Darkwa.

The Applicants were praying for an order committing the Respondents for contempt of Court/Judicial committee under the Order 50 of the High court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2004 C.I. 47.

In the ruling, the Judge stated “I have doubt in my mind that the conduct of the Respondents particularly the 1st and 2ndRespondents in installing the 5th Respondent in spite of the pendency of the petition and the motion seeking to restrain them pending the final determination of the petition was in contempt of the judicial committee. Accordingly, I find the 1st and 2ndRespondents, queen-mother and principal member and kingmaker of the royal Abrade family of Asamankese guilty of contempt and convict them accordingly. I find the 3rd and 4th Respondents not guilty. The 4th Respondent, Obutu Frimpong on the evidence is not a member of the stool family and was not a party in the chieftaincy petition at the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council (AATC). I accordingly find him not guilty”.

“In sentencing the 1st and 2nd Respondents, I have taken into consideration their old ages, particularly the queen-mother (the 1stRespondent) who from her looks seems to be over eighty (80) years. I have decided therefore not to impose a custodial sentence even though I deprecate their conduct. Accordingly, I sentence each of the two (2) Respondents namely the 1st and 2ndRespondents to a fine GHC3000 (Three thousand Ghana cedis) each or in default 1 month imprisonment. I will also award cost of GHC2500 in favour of the applicants against 1st and 2nd Respondents”.

A document cited by Joydaddymultimedia.com also indicate, the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council Judicial Committee on 14thNovember, 2016 sat on a Motion of Notice for Interlocutory Injunction attached by an Affidavit in support on 21st May, 2014 restraining the Defendants, their agents, representatives and all privies from nominating, enstooling, outdooring or installing the 4thDefendant or any other person as the chief of Asamankese, until the final determination of the suit.

The Judicial committee, after studying all the documents and exhibit filed by both parties and putting a lot into consideration, the committee stated that:

(1) The plaintiffs are eligible to occupy the Abrade stool family of Asamankese.

(2) The nomination, enstooling, outdooring and installation made by the respondent should be declared null and void.

(3) The proposed candidates made by the 1st Defendant as chief of Asamankese, should henceforth not style himself as chief of Asamankese.

The Judicial committee of the Traditional Council, therefore ordered, that both parties meet again to have fresh nomination of candidates from the Abrede family stool of Asamankese with a cost of Four Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHC4000.00) awarded against the Defendants.

The Oseawuo Division under the Traditional Council led by Oseawuohene, Daasebre Dr. Nana Asumadu Appiah on 8th February, 2017 met the chief of Awurasa, Barima Pobi Asomaning II and Abusuapanin Kwasi Kuma of the Abrade family.

Barima Pobi Asomaning in an agreement signed promise before Daasebre not to engage the media about the vacant Asamankese stool while Abusuapanin Kwasi Kuma also admitted that there is no chief at Asamankese and that the Regent is Gyaaasehene.

However, the Koforidua High Court led by Justice (Mrs.) Ceceilia N. S. Davies threw away an appeal by Applicants; Abusuapanin Kwasi Kuma III, Baffour Oppong Adiase and Baffour Kwame Arkoh III on the earlier ruling by the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council Judicial Committee Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council as Respondents and Interested Parties being; Barima Pobi Asomaning and Abusuapanin Kwasi Asare.

In her ruling, Justice (Mrs) Davies read: “Therefore, it is my view that since the Judicial Committee’s decision was pronounced on the 14th day of November, 2016, the judgement was effective and operative from that date, irrespective of when the reasons were given. On this note the application is hereby struck out for not complying with Order 55 rule 3(1) of the C.I. 47. Cost of GHC1, 000.00 [One Thousand Ghana Cedis] is awarded against each of the Applicants in favor of the interested parties”.

Brief History

History available has it that, on 20th December, 1983, the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Council led by the Paramount chief and President of the council, Osagyefo Kuntunkununku II ruled a matter between one, Opanin Kofi Adjetey and others VRS Bafour Ampem Otibo Darko and others concerning the Asamankese stool affairs.

The Council ordered that Obaapanin Birikoramaa, Queen mother of Asamankese, should meet with the senior members of the Abrade family and to nominate a candidate from Nana Amissah’s house, namely the house of the Defendants herein to occupy the vacant stool of Asamankese.

Source: Joydaddymultimedia.com

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