1.The virtual reality of love
What is love? There is no easy way to find an answer without experiencing it. Most of us must have heard our parents say, being in love was so different during their time. A few would even take time to explain the charm of writing love letters or the ambiguity around love which only made it more enticing. Forget about flaunting love, even the lovers would think twice before being spotted in public places together. But times are changing and so are the ways in which we fall in love or make it happen. And thanks to social media, be it Twitter or Facebook, falling in love or out of it is dictated by a world build of binary digits.
2. If you are in love, you have to comment, share and like all the posts!
It seems our life is incomplete if we do not showcase it on social media. When your lover shares everything on social media, it leaves you with no option but to react to what you see there. The young generation cannot afford to ignore the posts of their partner and god forbid if a person does not have the same aptitude for social media like the person he or she is in love with. Love, it seems, is not only about sharing responsibilities but it also about sharing, liking or commenting on the posts that the partner endorses.
3. Staying in touch is not a luxury but a burden
Thanks to social media, staying in touch is no longer a luxury but a burden now, especially for young lovers. They might be miles apart but the invisible reach of social media keeps them connected. Although it might sound like a good thing it seemed to have replaced the good old charm of catching up after ages or the anticipation of meeting a loved one after a long gap.
4. The no filter life
It seems, people nowadays are more interested in using filters on their social media pictures rather than using a filter on things they share. There are times when the news about your love life might reach you through shared posts or status updates rather than from the person concerned. It’s not uncommon for couples to declare the tidings about a break-up on Facebook or Instagram instead of letting the other person know face to face. What should have been between two persons is now available for public consumption.
5. High maintenance
Love, sadly, has turned into a high maintenance game. The stories, updates, and posts about people flaunting their love in exotic destinations or an expensive restaurant leave a few with no options but to follow suit. If they can, so can we: this has become the motto for young lovers. Quick travel plans are chalked out but not before making sure the place is Instagram worthy and for the next couple of days, love is everywhere—in the air, on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp profile pictures and status.
6. There is a fairy tale and a different one
Everyone has a perfect love story, at least that’s what social media is saying. Even the heartbreaks are glamourized making others believe that love is all about sugar, spice, and everything nice. And keeping pace with such expectations can be difficult, very difficult and when reality bites, there is no escape.
7. The changing dynamics of love
Having said how social media is dictating the new ways of love, we should also take into consideration that the dynamics of love do keep changing. Maybe, this is how it was supposed to be and not like what it was a few decades back—love letters and hurried phone calls. Maybe, a few decades later, love would be like what we saw in the award-winning movie ‘Her’—an act enjoyed in virtual reality. What do you think?
Source: TNN/timesofindia.indiatimes.com