14th September 2024

The University of Ghana has suspended lectures following an imported case of COVID-19 infection that has been identified at the University involving one of their non-resident students. The student returned to Ghana from an international trip some few days ago.

The case is among six confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Ghana.

The University in a statement confirming the suspension has assured its community that
preventive and precautionary measures have been put in place to avoid widespread.

Meanwhile, the university Basic school has also been closed down indefinitely due to the confirmed case.


Below is the statement from the University


An imported case of COVID-19 infection has been identified at the University of Ghana involving one of our non-resident students who returned to Ghana from an international trip. Consequently, the University is updating its COVID-19 preparedness and response communique with additional recommendations in this release.

We wish to assure the University community that these measures are preventive and precautionary. The risk of COVID-19 infection to individuals in our community remains very low.


The measures outlined below will be periodically modified to keep up with
evolving trends of the pandemic.

Updated Measures

1. Lectures on all University of Ghana campuses, including clinicals and practicals, are suspended with immediate effect. In view of the suspension of lectures, students and staff who reside outside UG campuses and are currently off campus should keep away from the campuses until they are asked to return. Staff providing essential services are excluded from this directive.

2. The University Basic Schools and the Baby Nest Creche on Legon Campus are to be closed down until further notice.

3. The University will not be closed down until contact tracing has been effectively completed. Students and staff who reside on campuses of the University are therefore urged to remain on the campuses. Those who may have the infection and leave campus are likely to spread the virus.

4. The University of Ghana Emergency Response Team (UG ERT) has linked up with the national contact tracing team to enhance efforts.

5. Social gatherings, religious services and sporting activities on the University campuses have already been suspended and the suspension will continue to be in force.

6. The University has provided hand sanitizers for the use of students at the porters’ lodges of all students’ halls of residence.

7. Employees and their dependents as well as students residing on University campuses should ensure they comply with the preventive measures already disseminated to members of the community.

8. Members of the University community are to keep social distance of one metre (3 feet) and adhere to infection prevention measures at all times.

The University Hospital and the Students’ Clinics have been designated to screen possible cases. A screening tent has been set up at the entrance of the hospital to identify suspected cases for testing. Persons who are tested will be held until the results are available (within a minimum of 6 hours). Those who test positive will be sent to the national case management centres (Ridge or Terna).

Suspected cases identified at the Students’ Clinic will be referred to the University Hospital for management.

Creation of Quarantine Facilities
Some facilities on the Legon Campus have been designated as quarantine zones.

An individual who has a positive travel history or has come into contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, but has no symptoms will be held under observation in quarantine facility for a period of 14 days.

Individuals who can self-quarantine will be encouraged to do so. In case they develop any illness, they should call UG Hospital: +233 595 551 971, for assistance.

All international and national events slated to take place on UG campuses are suspended and may be re-scheduled.

External Travel
All international travel (of all employees and students) has been put on hold until further notice. Staff, local and international students who must travel should seek clearance from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor with UG Emergency Response Team (UG-ERT) playing an advisory role.

Members of the University Community are to use technology to facilitate meetings and other activities as much as possible.

External Visitors
The University has suspended the hosting of international visitors until further notice.

All tours to the University are suspended until further notice.

Management would like to reiterate the following:

The UG-ERT is monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates.
• If you show symptoms of COVID-19, please inform those around you and call for immediate medical attention.
• The University Hospital and the Student Clinic are still open to provide general healthcare to all members of the University community.
• The University has adequate expertise for prevention, detection and containment of COVID-19.
• The identified case of COVID-19 is imported and measures have been put in place to prevent community spread.

The UG-ERT is monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates.

The University wishes to assure staff, students, parents, guardians and all stakeholders that the situation is under control and that the University is working with the national response team to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the community.

Meanwhile members of the university community are advised to take the necessary precautionary measures outlined in university notices and information on COVID-19. We owe this responsibility to ourselves, our families and other members of the community.

For assistance, the following hotlines can be reached:

UG Hospital: +233 595551971
National COVID-19 hotline: 0552222004
National COVID-19 hotline: 0552222005

March 15, 2020



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