8th September 2024

Electronic Transaction Levy which is commonly known as E-levy, is a tax applied on transactions made on digital platforms.

The Minister in charge of the Finance Ministry of Ghana, Ken Ofori Atta made announced to the general public on 17 November 2021 that the Government of Ghana needs adequate fund to finance other sectors of the economy, and therefore had no option other than introducing e-levy.

During the initial outbreak of the COVID-19, when lockdown was introduced, the government had enough funds to support the citizens with some basic needs. Such includes, the distribution of nose masks and hand sanitizers, and even the making water free to the citizens and electricity available to some low income earners for free.

We all expect the government to avoid borrowing funds from other countries, same way we do expect him to provide jobs for the citizens. The best option now to generate fund in order to finance other projects is to accept the implementation of the e-levy.

We need to embrace this e-levy, and not pave way for the opposing party to pollute our minds concerning the implementation of the e-levy. I can assure you that the main reason behind the opposing minority (National Democratic Congress) condemning this e-levy is because they know deep inside their minds that the implementation of the e-levy will cause them to lose the next general election. So they are trying their possible best to condemn it due to their selfish interest.

Trust me, if we all come together as a nation and embrace this e-levy, it will therefore help us to revive the economy to be at the state which will benefit us all. Remember that the government in power is for the people, and everything he does is for the interest of the nation ,and not to the interest of a particular group of people.

The aspiring Greater Accra Regional Youth Organizer, Harriet Nana Serwaa added that the youths in Ghana especially Greater Accra should rise and support the implementation of the E-levy because all what the government is doing is for the betterment of our nation and for the youths of this noble nation, Ghana.

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