8th September 2024

An abandoned facility at the station

The Akuse District Police Command in the Eastern Region is faced with poor infrastructural challenges following years of neglect, lack of maintenance and renovation works needed for efficient functioning.


The police station, which was established in 1911, directly serves four communities/districts, namely Asutuare, in the Greater Accra Region, and Nuaso, Kpong and Akuse, all in the Eastern Region.


The structure previously used as a facility for various duties at a time cannot boast of functional washroom or office space. This has forced the officers to operate from a chamber and hall rented apartment as their office.


The police station also has no female and juvenile cells. With only a male cell at the facility, keeping female and juvenile suspects is a big challenge to the station. The situation thus compels them to transfer female and juvenile suspects to nearby police stations when the need arises.

Part of the structure has also been left unused for several years since it has become inhabitable.


Currently, an ongoing construction of a 6-unit washroom has been stalled due to inadequate funds.


Call for support


The station commander, Chief/Superintendent Winfred Asare Nyarko, has thus called on all well-meaning Ghanaians to come to the aid of the station.


Speaking to the media, he said with the support from corporate organisations and individuals, some construction works had been ongoing at the place. They include the building of the 6-unit washroom. He, however, added that more needs to be done to hasten the ongoing construction works.


He appealed to NGOs and individuals as well as the authorities of the police administration to go to the aid of the station.


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