16th September 2024

Director of Communications, NPP, Yaw Buaben Asamoa

The governing New Patriotic Party has lambasted the opposition National Democratic Congress over some blatant ‘falsehoods’ being peddled against the Electoral Commission about the integrity of the 2020 general elections.

Addressing a press conference on Friday, the NPP Communications Director, Yaw Buaben Asamoa, pointed out that “the NDC leadership, especially General Secretary Asiedu Nketiah and former President Mahama keep making wild allegations about the conduct of the 2020 General Elections. Having lied to their people about winning, they went to the Supreme Court with no evidence”.

According to the former Member of Parliament for the Adentan constituency, unlike the NPP which went to Supreme Court in 2012-2013 with pink sheets backing every alleged infraction, the NDC on the other hand proceeded to the court without any evidence whatsoever.


“It is obvious that these allegations are being made ahead of the internal primaries of the NDC. In seeking the chairmanship of his party, the NDC General Secretary is choosing to denigrate the conduct of the 2020 elections to curry favour with his grassroots. Yet, he was the star NDC witness who confessed in the Supreme Court that they had not won the election and went further to do the calculations that showed that the NDC had indeed lost miserably,” he stated.


He therefore cautioned his opponents in the chairmanship race to watch for these political gimmicks from Mr Aseidu Nketiah.  “Noted though is that he is expert at manipulating grassroots opinion, so his opponents better watch out,” he stressed.


Premature campaign


Touching on recent outbursts from former President Mahama, Mr Buaben Asamoa said the premature presidential campaign embarked upon by the 2020 presidential candidate of the NDC had forced his potential contenders to come out to define the kind of leader the NDC needs, going into the 2024 elections.


“The premature presidential campaign embarked on by former President Mahama has led to his potential opponents coming out of the woodwork to define the kind of leader they will be seeking in 2024. Opponents of early aspirant Mahama believe the NDC will benefit more from a ‘thinking’ leadership, which will make them credible”, he noted.


He accordingly observed: “Clearly then, not everyone in the NDC is for needless attacks on the Electoral Commission. Such a strategy may not necessarily be intelligent, according to those who do not support the de-facto candidate.  The people who do not support Mahama’s repeated attempts to lead the NDC understand that such attacks may not be in line with a thinking approach to the issues that will drive the 2024 elections.”


NPP plan for jobs


The NPP communications Director also touched on the party’s blueprint to create the needed jobs for the teaming youth of the country, stressing “value addition through industrialisation creates jobs.”


He noted that aggressive industrialisation would also boost infrastructure, especially railways, ports and energy generation and expand the country’s GDP.


“We will export more, earn more foreign exchange and borrow less. That is the goal of the NPP,” he stressed.


“Last Wednesday, His Excellency President Akufo-Addo took a giant step for Ghana when he witnessed the signing ceremony of a project led by GIADEC which is to build a mine and most significantly, a refinery in Ghana. The refinery, the first of two planned, will finally integrate aluminium production in Ghana, creating thousands of jobs, especially in the downstream fabrication sector,” he noted.


The former MP also highlighted the massive investment in the aluminium industry in an attempt to create sustainable jobs for Ghanaians.


“GIADEC intends to inject six billion dollars of investment into the aluminium processing sector alone. Its partner industry, Iron and Steel, will also inject massive amounts of capital. The Ghana Integrated Iron & Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC) has announced already assessed reserves of 6 billion metric tonnes of iron ore,” he pointed out.

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