27th October 2024

John Boadu, General Secretary of the NPP

On the occasion of the commencement of Ramadan Fast today, the NPP wishes all Muslims in Ghana and across the globe, a fruitful Ramadan. Ramadan, as we all know, is a period within the Islamic calendar where Muslims all over the world, observe Fasting, in accordance with the dictates of the Holy Qur’an and the Islamic faith. This period is characterized by alms-giving and significant supplication to Almighty Allah.

Ramadan happens to be the Month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and so, it is deemed, the most important and blessed month of the year. Through Fasting, a Muslim experiences hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those who have little to eat and drink every day through almsgiving in order to fully benefit from the bountiful blessings of the Holy Month.

Unfortunately, unlike every other year, the 2020 Ramadan is being marked at a time the world is facing its biggest public health crisis occasioned by the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus, said to be the number one existential threat to the human race. Owing to this, Muslims are having to make significant adjustments to the traditional ways of marking the Ramadan Fast including doing away with congregational prayers, attending tafsirs among others, all of which are at the heart of Ramadan festivities.

Indeed, we are not in ordinary times. And so, as we begin Ramadan today, the NPP, while calling on all Muslims in Ghana and across the globe to completely submit themselves to the very dictates and requirements of Ramadan, also calls on them to dedicate this scared Month to intensifying their supplications to Almighty Allah to shower His grace on mankind and make us see the end of this deadly COVID-19.

The party also calls on Muslims living in Ghana to continue to cooperate with government’s COVID-19 measures, and also to use this occasion to pray for our leaders, government and nation, to overcome all the ills plaguing our society and put us on the path of sustained growth and prosperity. May the month of Ramadan, which is the most blessed month in the year, be that month that the world finds solace in this period of global health crisis.

Once again, RAMADAN MUBARAK and may Almighty Allah accept our Fast and grant us Jannatul Firdaus.

Assalamu alaikum



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