8th September 2024

Nana Obiri-Boahen

A private legal practitioner, Nana Obiri-Boahen, is calling for investigations into the adjudication of a case in which he is the 1st defendant, with Golden Age Company as the plaintiff/respondent.

The investigations, he believes, will go a long way to determine the implications and consequences of the final determination of the case on the judicial system and the judiciary as a whole.

In a petition to the Chief Justice, Nana Obiri-Boahen averred that he has “ample and an avalanche of evidence, living witnesses, etc. who have enough and sufficient evidence to support and augment the basis of this petition, its ramifications on the judicial system and the security implications.”

“Respectfully my Lord the Chief Justice, I am the 1st defendant in the above quoted appeal which is currently pending before the Supreme Court of Ghana.”

“My lord, permit me to state unreservedly that during the pendency of this matter before the Court of Appeal, the Plaintiff/Respondent/Respondent consistently kept boasting that the verdict of the appeal was going to be delivered in his favour. True to his boastings, and notwithstanding the abundance of evidence on record, which weighed heavily against the plaintiff/respondent, the matter went against me,” he stated in the petition.


According to Nana Obiri Boahen’s petition, the plaintiff/respondent has, for some time now, been going round in Sunyani beating his chest and boasting that, at all cost, “I have won the appeal very soon; I am going to pull down plenty buildings; with money you can buy through every court case”.

“The plaintiff constantly boasts around and witnesses are available to testify to that. This boasting cannot be considered as mere rhetoric. In fact, on the 8th day of July, 2020, the plaintiff/appellant/appellant came to court, in white suit, white trousers and a white shoe. In fact, he even pulled a white handkerchief to wipe his face in the presence of his lawyer,” the petition further stated.

Source: Daily Statesman

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