8th September 2024

By: Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi, Ahafo kenyasi.( gyamemma5@gmail.com)

The Bishop of the Goaso diocese of the Methodist church Ghana, The Right Reverend O S K Boakye, has stated that there is a lot of insecurities, accidents, corruption ,lies in the political and professional cycles of the country because parents ( past and present) have refused to do their part in the proper upbringing of their children.

” if you don’t bring your children up in Godly,good values and manners, this is the kind of bad leaders and citizens that we will have as a country, as it is happening today in Ghana ” – he emphasized.

” how can we have Christians and Muslims as our politicians, professionals, contractors etc but there is an outbreak of corruption and shoddy works in Ghana? ” – he further quizzed.

The Methodist Bishop cautioned that politicians cannot help to save our country but only God Almighty that we must trust.

He edged all parents, guardians, teachers to train their children in good values and deeds that will bring fame and good name to parents, family and friends , hometown and the church as well when they grow up.

The Right Reverend Boakye was speaking at the 4th annual general meeting ( AGM) of the Goaso diocese lay movement council at kenyasi in the Asutifi north district of the Ahafo Region of Ghana.


The annual general meeting ( AGM) is a yearly conference of the various circuits,diocese of the church which convey all the leaders and organizational heads who are not members of the clergy.

The motif of the meeting is to take stalk of the church and make resolutions for the year ahead.
Hardworking members and outgoing leaders are also appreciated.

The theme for the meeting was ” Go and make disciples of all nations: the role of the laity in intensifying the teaching ministry towards discipline making ”


The lay President of the Methodist church Ghana, Bro. Bernard Clement Kwasi Botwe, charged methodists and Christians around the globe to not hesitate and discouraged to fulfill their God – given mandate of winning souls to the kingdom of God.

” you were brought to Christ Jesus through someone who shared Jesus Christ with you. You must also do same and teach your children to follow suit.” he added.

Bro. Botwe reminded members of the church to be serious in pursuing the church’s agenda of each member to win at least three (3) souls to Christ Jesus.
” this will reduce the number of unsaved souls and also increase the numerical strength of the church ” he added.


The lay chairman of the Goaso diocese of the Methodist church Ghana, Bro. Edwin sarpong Boakye,paid a glowing tribute to the various organizations of the church including the women’s fellowship for rendering good services to the church and the society.

He said the diocesan women’s fellowship visited the st. Elizabeth hospital I. Hwediem and donated items worth two thousand cedis( 2000).

” the kenyasi circuit women’s fellowship also visited the Methodist schools there and donated books and materials worth three hundred cedis(300)”

The Akrodie circuit women’s fellowship also visited the Akrodie health center and donated items worth four hundred cedis(400).

” all these are to the glory of God and good for the church’ he gladly said.

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