8th September 2024

Teenage pregnancies in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality of Western Region, which were increasing at an alarming rate some two or three years back, have now dropped.

Reports indicate that   the 15.5 per cent rate recorded last two years dropped to 10 per cent last year.

Caroline Otoo, the Municipal Health Director, who disclosed this in an interview with journalists, attributed the reduction largely to the outbreak of Covid-19.

She explained that most of the girls were afraid of being infected with the virus and    stayed at home, thus refraining from illicit sexual activities.

Madam Otoo said parents, particularly mothers, also played a role by keeping an eye on their daughters. It is as a result of this that she commended both parents and the girls for helping fight this social canker.

Social canker

The municipal health director noted that teenage pregnancy is basically a social issue depending on how parents cater for their children and also freely discuss issues with them.

She said studies show that girls from disciplined homes and caring parents do not usually get pregnant.

Citing peer pressure as a contributory factor to teenage pregnancy,   the health director regretted that majority of the victims are usually impregnated by male adults and not their peers.

She therefore advised all such unscrupulous men to stop the shameless practice,  wondering how they will feel when their teenage daughters are also treated that way.

Spend time

Madam Otoo suggested that parents can save their girls from the claws of such ‘wolves’ by spending quality time with them and not allowing economic activities  take all their time.

She reminded parents that the fight against teenage pregnancy is a collaborative one by all stakeholders including themselves.

The health director said issues relating to teenagers cannot simply be brushed aside since there is a teenager in every ten females.

She however advised women in general to take control of their reproductive health by making use of the various family planning methods.

Source: dailystatesman.com.gh

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