8th September 2024

Yesterday 7th July, 2019, was the deadline for the limited registration exercise nationwide. It was sad to observe the distressful, overcrowding and uncomfortable condition many young Ghanaians were going through in order to get registered as voters to acquire the sovereign power to take part in decision making of our dear country.

It is more worrying to note that each center I visited saw at least fifty (50) persons struggling their way through to get their names written in the National Voters’ register. All their efforts proved fertile hence not getting the opportunity to register.

What we are witnessing now is a true reflection of the caution the leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) gave prior to the registration exercise but a lot of Ghanaians, and more importantly the Electoral Commission paid deaf ears to this all important caution.

The NDC duly cautioned the Jean Mensah-led EC and Ghanaians that thousands of Ghanaians may be denied opportunity of registering should the Electoral Commission go ahead to register voters at the District offices instead of the traditional electoral areas but the commission failed to give a listening ear. The constant wanton disregard on the part of Chairperson of the Commission and her Deputy, Dr. Bossman Asare is worrying, more dangerous and threat to the Democratic pillars of our country.

It is for this reason that I call on the the Electoral Commission to as a matter of urgency extend the days of registration exercise in order to give every eligible Ghanaian youth the opportunity to register in accordance with article 42 of the 1992 constitution of Ghana.

The posture of the Chairperson and her Deputy, Dr. Bossman Asare must urgently be pruned by relevant stakeholders like the National Peace Council, Council of State, etc. for this may plunge our peaceful country into chaos. Civil Wars in Rwanda, Liberia et al started as a result of the incompetence of their respective Independent Electoral Commission.

Therefore our core values and democratic principles must be protected at all times hence the professionalism of the Electoral Commission must be taken into account always.

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Obeng Agyenim Boateng


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