18th October 2024

Mr. Sam Koranteng, Corporate Services Executive of MTN Ghana

MTN Ghana Foundation’s annual blood donation exercise dubbed “Save a Life” to be held on Friday February 14 has targetted a total of 5,000 units of blood during this year.

The telecommunication company will set over 30 bleeding centers nationwide for the exercise.

Corporate Services Executive of MTN Ghana, Samuel Koranteng, speaking on the event said, “the MTN Ghana Foundation instituted the blood donation exercise to collect blood to improve health delivery” adding that “the initiative has been phenomenal and it is important to sustain it”


Mr. Koranteng appealed to the public to support the exercise.
“In view of our commitment to save lives through blood donation, the Foundation is appealing to members of the public to come out in their numbers to express their love on Valentine’s Day by donating a pint of blood to help save a life,” he said.

About the project

The MTN “Save a Life” project is an annual Valentine’s Day blood donation exercise, organized by the MTN Ghana Foundation. The initiative gives MTN staff and other individuals the opportunity to donate blood and stock the National Blood Bank and other regional hospitals. The initiative which started in 2011 was in response to calls made by the National Blood Service for voluntary contributions to replenish critically low stocks of blood. In all over 14,000 pints of blood have been collected.

In recognition of its efforts, the MTN Ghana Foundation was adjudged the highest corporate blood donor in 2013, second highest corporate donor in 2014 and one of the highest corporate donors in 2015.

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