8th September 2024

The Presidential Advisor on Health, Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare, has explained that the government’s ‘Agenda 111’ project will largely be funded by resources from the government of Ghana.


Speaking at a press conference in Accra on Wednesday, Dr Asare said “the project coordinating committee, through the lead consultant and the consultancy team, has now put down the payment plan, the cash flow, how much money will be given from day one and every month, how much we will need.”


“What we are going to do, government is going to fund it. And I am sure somebody will ask, where we are going to get the money from? But where there is a will, there is a way,” he assured.


This comes after a section of Ghanaians questioned the source of funding for the project.

He explained that the project is currently going through the procurement processes, and would soon be put before Parliament.

He assured the public that all 16 regions would benefit from the project, adding that it is a flagship project that President Akufo-Addo wants to make sure it is done and done well.


Other projects

The Director of Infrastructure at the Ministry of Health, Dr Ben Ampomah Ankansah, said numerous projects had also been implemented, apart from the ‘Agenda 111’. He talked about the construction of a district hospital at Obuasi, Anyinam Trauma hospital, rehabilitation of Enyiresi government hospital and rehabilitation and expansion of Shama hospital project.


He noted that the rehabilitation and expansion of La General Hospital is awaiting conclusion of value for money audit by the Minister of Finance, adding that designs, preparation and geological survey of site are currently ongoing.


Dr Nkansah said plans are underway for the construction of 12 hospitals in Eastern, Ashanti, Ahafo and Greater Accra regions in Jumapo, Kwabeng, Nkwatia, Adukrom, Achiase, Suame, Drobonso, Sabronum, Manso Nkwanta, Twedle, Mim and Kpong Katamanso.

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