8th September 2024

Samuel Nartey George, a Ghanaian lawmaker and Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, has referenced anti-LGBTQ+ actions taken by high-ranking individuals and institutions in the United States to strengthen the ongoing debate in Ghana’s parliament regarding the enactment of a law criminalizing homosexuality and its promotion.

During the second reading of the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, commonly known as the anti-gay Bill, Mr. George voiced a warning to foreign powers who may consider imposing sanctions on the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament and MPs for passing the Bill. He questioned the perceived hypocrisy, particularly from the United States, in selectively sanctioning countries opposed to LGBTQ+ activities, and questioned why no action has been taken against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has passed legislation prohibiting LGBTQ+ activities in Florida.

Mr. George also mentioned a recent ruling by the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) granting businesses the right to deny services to individuals involved in LGBTQ+ activities. Additionally, he questioned why no action has been taken against US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who recently canceled a drag show scheduled at an Air Force base in Nevada as part of “pride month” celebrations. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley informed the Air Force that funding drag shows on bases goes against Pentagon policy, suggesting the show should be canceled or relocated off-base.

Furthermore, Mr. George highlighted that in 2022, there were 433 actions taken in US state legislatures to restrict homosexuality, and questioned why none of these individuals and institutions have faced sanctions.

Mr. George’s comments follow reports of sanctions imposed on the Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament after the passage of an anti-LGBTQ+ law in the country.

He further warned that any form of intimidation or sanctions from Western powers against Ghanaian MPs and the country would be met with retaliatory measures targeting Western, particularly US, interests in Ghana.

Ghana’s anti-LGBTQ+ Bill has received support from all 275 MPs during the second reading, and is now in the final stage of consideration before passage. The Bill is a private members Bill sponsored by eight MPs from both the opposition National Democratic Congress and the governing New Patriotic Party.


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