1. Infidelity and profession
Infidelity has always been a tricky issue in any relationship. There is no sure-shot way to know if one day you would become a victim of infidelity. However, a recent study done on this subject pointed out how your partner’s profession might be a determining factor to predict if he or she is likely to cheat on you. Surprised? Read on…
2. The study
Ashley Madison, a dating site for married people, surveyed more than 1,000 users and suggested people belonging to these 13 professional fields were more likely to be an unfaithful partner. Here’s the list…
3. Social, politics, arts, and culture
Politics held the 13th spot on this list. However, only one percent of the participants (both male and female) who took part in the study were from this field. That’s quite surprising, isn’t it? The other professions that were present at the bottom of this list were from the fields of agriculture, legal sector, arts, and entertainment.
4. Marketing, social work, hospitality, and others
Some fields require professionals to have great social skills and maintain good rapport with their peers. Interestingly, 4 percent of female participants and 8 percent male participants worked in marketing and communications, which was placed on the ninth spot. The other fields included social work, retail, and hospitality.
5. Finance and education
About eight percent of females and nine percent male participants worked in the financial sector. Also, four percent of the members of this dating service belonged to the education sector (think teachers, lecturers, administrators).
6. Entrepreneurship
Setting your own venture requires you to step out of your comfort zone, meet new people and work day in and day out. Sometimes, spending most of your day outside the home and not spending quality time with your partner becomes the reason for infidelity in many cases. Entrepreneurship turned out to be the fourth most popular profession on this list among the Ashley Madison users.
7. Information Technology and Medical
IT sector was on the third spot on this list and medical on second. Shockingly, 23 percent of females worked in this field in comparison to about five percent male participants.
8. Trades
Trades (including jobs in construction, plumbing, wielding) was the most popular career field amongst the users. Four percent of the participants were female and a whopping 29 percent male participants worked in this profession.
Source: TNN/timesofindia.indiatimes.com