8th September 2024

President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo yesterday urged Ghanaians to seek the face of God, in the wake of the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic in the country, saying what is happening at the moment is not ordinary.

He also asked the public to continue observing the enhanced measures announced by government in dealing with the menace.

The President, who made the call during a Prayer Breakfast held at Jubilee House, expressed the belief that Ghanaians, with their abiding faith in God, will overcome the pandemic, saying “this, too, will pass”.

Ghana, as of yesterday, had recorded 11 confirmed cases of the deadly pandemic, after recording two new cases.

“The first is a 59-year-old Ghanaian woman, resident in the United Kingdom who recently returned to Ghana and currently living in Kumasi, reported to a private hospital with the history of fever (temp of 39.1 ℃ ), general malaise, cough and runny nose.

“Her condition was suspected to be COVID-19. Sample was subsequently collected and sent to KCCR and the report was received this early morning as positive for COVID-19,” Ghana Health Service explained in its update on its website.

“The second case is a 61-year-old Lebanese male trader and resident in Kumasi. He felt unwell and reported to a health facility with fever (temp 39.4 ℃ ), and cough. The sample tested positive for COVID-19,” it added.

Rapid spread

The President told the clergy that the rapid spread of the disease across the world has compelled his government to institute a number of measures to help ensure that the nation is adequately prepared to combat the pandemic.

“Prior to announcing this decision, I informed many of you around this table, and I was encouraged by the words of support offered. The aftermath of the announcement also saw a positive, overwhelming acceptance of the measures from all and sundry, including those I could not inform because of the exigencies of time. With the exception of that one incident, yesterday, in North Suntreso, in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, these measures have been adhered to,” he said.

Broad support  

He expressed his gratitude to the clergy and the entire Christian community, saying: “I am hopeful that the State and the Church will continually find ways to collaborate for the good of Mother Ghana and for the improved welfare of the citizenry.”

He also acknowledged the support of the Muslim clergy, led by Chief Imam Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, political leaders, traditional authorities and opinion leaders.

President Akufo-Addo said, as a devout Christian, he knows of “the healing power and saving Grace of the Maker of Heaven and Earth, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because in Him we live, move and have our being.”

He quoted verses from the Bible to drum home the need to turn to God for help. The first was Proverbs 9:10: “Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You.”

He then quoted Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Reiterating his conviction that “these are not ordinary times”, he noted that “in such times, a country whose population is predominantly Christian, must seek the face of the One True God for healing and restoration.”

“So, I, humbly, called you to this prayer meeting for us to join together and pray to Almighty God to protect our nation, heal this land and save us from this pandemic,” he told the clergy.

Global prayers

In Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta declared March 7 “a National Day of Prayer” amid the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus.

He made the declaration the same day his country recorded four cases of Covid-19.

He urged Kenyans to pray to God in their homes, with a small group of religious leaders congregating at the State House in Nairobi.

“We cannot ignore the need to turn to God. In these circumstances, as we have done in the past as a nation, we have always turned to God first to give thanks for the many blessings that He has bestowed on our nation. But we also turn to God to share our fears, our apprehensions, but also to seek his guidance and ever-present protection,” he added.

In the US, millions of Americans, including President Trump, attended religious services last Sunday, via screen, after President Trump had declared the day “a National Day of Prayer.”



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