8th September 2024

Isaac Bonsu

A youth activist and a member of the governing New Patriotic Party, Isaac Bonsu, has asked the youth of the country to channel their energies into productive activities instead of allowing themselves to be used to foment trouble in the country.

Speaking at a youth forum in Kumasi over the weekend, Mr Bonsu bemoaned the situation where political actors are now gradually channelling the energies of the Ghanaian youth into causing trouble and mayhem. He stated that the youth must rather focus on contributing to nation building, and not allow themselves to be used for negative acts.

Taking leadership roles

He maintained that the youth of Ghana have the capabilities to take up leadership roles and excel at them, when given the opportunity. He thus, expressed worry that some politicians, instead of harnessing the potential of these ‘hungry for success youth’, are rather exploiting them for their parochial political interests.

Condemning the recent Ejura disturbances, he bemoaned the politicisation of the incident by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC). He called on the youth to reject calls by the NDC to take up arms against the government over the incident.

This is because, according to him, picking up of arms against the government has no positive benefit on the lives of the youth.

He scorned the NDC for its silence on the recent attack on a bullion van and the killing of a police officer, even though it has all of a sudden found its voice on the Ejura saga, saying the NDC’s only interest is to exploit the youth for political expediency.

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