8th September 2024
Ex President John Mahama last week gathered some diplomats and presented to them footages concerning the just ended by election In Ayawaso West wuogon. An aspect of the presentation has forced the family of Emmanuel Kyeremanteng Agyako to issue a statement to debunk what the former president is on record to have put out. He presented a video of some armed men who were chanting “Jama songs” at a funeral grounds and alleged that, that was exactly Emmanuel Agyako’s funeral grounds. As if that was not enough, he also alleged that, same men were actually those who were deployed to AWW to provide security for the by election.
As it stands now, the allegation has proven to be the weakest link with its falsity. Ex President Mahama in his presentation painted a gloomy picture  of serious political instability to these diplomats.These diplomats are only going to carry the message of ” political instability” in Ghana and tranmit same to their citizens and apparently deter them from coming to invest in Ghana. At this material point in time where this government is trying to stabilize the economy through foreign direct investment(FDI), ex president Mahama and the NDC are doing their best to drive potential investors away with avalanche of lies.
What happened in Ayawaso by election has happened in previous years and i am surprised this gloomy picture is being painted by Ex president Mahama under whose auspices we were told that,” violence begets violence” in a by election  by a minister responsible for interior.
Common sense should have informed the former president that, the appropriate forum was not the forum he chose but rather the commission of inquiry if he is passionate about getting the issues dealt with appropriately . The platform to put forward this case has been provided by this government who defied all odds to set up a commission of inquiry to look into the very issue he decided to put before the diplomats who cannot provide any help.
The commission of inquiry in its memo to the general public invited  everybody who has an information pertaining to the case they  are investigating to volunteer to assist them carry a thorough investigation to unravel the mysteries that surrounded the just ended by election. One would have thought, the former president would have taken advantage of this exercise by writing to the commission his willingness to appear before them to give his evidence but that wasnt the case. He chose to give his fabricated  evidence to these diplomats who were not afforded the opportunity to scrutinize what he presented to them.
When Nana Akufo Addo was in opposition, citizens who were subjected to torture  during the let my votes count alliance demonstration for a credible voters register, he, at no point in time   invited diplomats and painted a picture of political instability. When the then National security minister under J.J Rawlings instructed some police officers to shoot and kill demonstrators of “Kume preko”, did he see the need in inviting these diplomats to make a presentation to them on what transpired? Were those citizens  not exercising their constitutional rights.
What prevented the ex president Mahama  from given these diplomats chronology of historical antecedent particularly on the violence we have seen in our previous by elections? Is this selectivity in his presentation not the highest form of dishonesty and hypocrisy?
In my humble opinion, the commission of inquiry should see the need in his invitation to appear before them so that, he can do same presentation before them in getting to the bottom of this matter.
Those handling the former president are bunch Of sycophants who aren’t doing him any good.
Dawda Eric(Equity)
Citizen Vigilance for Justice
18th Feb.2019
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