The National Secretariat of the Nation’s Builders Corp will start paying the January allowance of its beneficiaries from Monday 4th March.
The NABCO Secretariat after another update to account for trainees selected to be on the scheme have sent out SMS to all trainees under the scheme for purposes of Information and action where required. Each SMS is targeted at different categories of trainees.
Below are extracts and briefs of each category of Trainee’s messages.
Beneficiaries are advised to READ the information carefully and where they have issues that require resolution they are advised to contact their NABCO District Coordinators for assistance.
Category 1.
If you are a Trainee who have been PLACED/POSTED with an Employer and you have not DECLINED OFFER, have UPDATED DETAILS and have UPLOADED your ASSUMPTION OF DUTY FORMS, please expect verification of your details and payment of stipends based on your Updated Details from Monday, March 04, 2019.
Category 2.
If you are a Trainee AWAITING PLACEMENTS/POSTING to an Employer and have not DECLINED OFFER and have UPDATED DETAILS (assumption of duty forms were not available for you at the time of updates), please expect the verification and payment of your Stipends based on your Updated Details from Monday, March 04, 2019.
Category 3.
If you are a Trainee who chose to DECLINE OFFER, you, by that action have opted to EXIT from the scheme and your name will from Monday, March 04,2019 be deleted from NABCO. If you however have any issues with this action to be taken, please contact your NABCO District Coordinator.
Category 4.
If you are a Trainee and have been PLACED/POSTED to an Employer but you failed to or not to DECLINE OFFER, failed to UPDATE DETAILS and failed to UPLOAD ASSUMPTION OF DUTY Forms, you, by that action have opted to EXIT from the scheme and your name will from Monday, March 04, 2019 be deleted from NABCO. If you however have any issues with this action to be taken, please contact your NABCO District Coordinator.
Category 5.
If you are a Trainee AWAITING PLACEMENT/POSTING (assumption of duty forms were not available to you at the time of updates) to an Employer but you failed to or not to DECLINE OFFER and failed to UPDATE DETAILS, you, by that action have opted to EXIT from the scheme and your name will from Monday, March 04, 2019 be deleted from NABCO. If you however have any issues with action to be taken, please contact your NABCO District Coordinator.
Category 6.
If you are Trainee who have been PLACED/POSTED but you failed to or not to DECLINE OFFER, failed to UPDATE DETAILS but went ahead to UPLOADED ASSUMPTION OF DUTY FORM, you are advised to update your details by Monday, March 04, 2019 and the Payment of Stipends will be based on updated details. If you have any issue with this please contact your NABCO District Coordinator.
Validation and Verification of your details, academic credentials, valid authorized Assumption of Forms and your existence on other Government of Ghana paid schemes/employment, Private Employment and evaluation/monitoring of your commitment to following the objectives of NABCO shall continue on regular basis.
Individuals who have planned to remain on this scheme and at the same time on other schemes or employment are liable for prosecution and recovery of any stipends paid.
Individuals whose initially validated details and academic credentials which also, on further examination turn out to be fraudulently presented are liable for prosecution and recovery of any stipends paid.
Source: Evening Mail