11th February 2025

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) wishes to inform its numerous publics that it has released provisional results of candidates, who took the West African Senior School Certificate Examination for School Candidates, 2019. The Council will despatch the results to the schools and candidates are advised to contact their heads of school for their results.

Meanwhile, the Council has hosted the results online and candidates who so desire, may access their results at the Council’s website. The Council is alerting members of the public especially candidates to be wary of impostors, who promise to change examination results for a fee. Candidates are to note that all WAEC results are well secured and can be authenticated. Persons with forged results will be exposed.

A total of 346,094 candidates entered for the examination. This figure is 9.2% higher than the 2018 candidature of 316,999. The 2019 entry figure was made up of 170,857 (49.37 % ) males and 175,237 (50.63 % ) females. The examination was conducted for 987 participating schools. A total of 2,322 ( 0.67% ) of the candidates who registered were absent from the examination.

The performance of the candidates in regard to the four core subjects are as follows:

English Language : 167,733
(48. 46% ) obtained A1-C6 ;
100,781 (29.11%) obtained
D7-E8 while 74,038
( 21.39% ) had F9 ;

Mathematics (Core) :
223,737 (64.64 % ) obtained
A1-C6 ; 72,408 (20.92%) obtained D7-E8 while
46,384 ( 13.40% ) had F9 ;

Integrated Science: 216,095 (62.43 % ) obtained A1-C6; 91,151 (26.33%) obtained
D7-E8 while 34,825 (10.06 % ) had F9 ;

Social Studies : 257,838 (74.49 % ) obtained A1-C6; 52,983 (15.30%) obtained
D7-E8 whilst 30,970 (8.94 % ) had F9

The provisional results indicate that there were improvements in the performance of candidates at A1 to C6 in all the core subjects.
Mathematics (Core) recorded the most significant improvement in A1 to C6 over that of 2018 (38.33% to 65.31%). There was also a noticeable improvement in Integrated Science (50.52% to 63.17%) with English Language recording a modest improvement of 46.91% to 48.96%. Social Studies also showed a slight improvement in the performance of candidates (73.27% to 75.43%).

The entire results of 48,855 (14.12%) candidates have been withheld pending the conclusion of investigations into various cases of examination malpractice detected during and after the conduct of the examination. These include

1. bringing foreign material such as prepared notes, printed material and mobile phones to the examination hall;
2. collusion among candidates ;
3. planned cheating which occurred with the connivance of some supervisors and school authorities.

The withheld results of candidates may be cancelled or released based on the outcome of the investigations.

The Council wishes to express its sincerest gratitude to all stakeholders especially the Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service, Supervisors, Invigilators, the Ghana Police Service, Examiners and all who in various ways helped in the successful conduct of the examination and the timeous release of results.

Source: waecgh.org

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