16th January 2025


Sleep is Rest, Rest Is Energy, Energy Is Good Health, Good Health Is A Better Life, A Better Life Guarantees Longevity.

The health benefits of sleeping remain uncountable, but the most significant, is how a good sleep prepares the heart and brain of human beings for a productive and fruitful day.

Ghana parades a higher number of unemployed graduates, most of them have done what society has asked of them, yet, futility remains the crest of the day.
Amazingly, social media sensationalism has come to serve as the good wife comforting majority of the unemployed, so any trending traffic, whether relevant or irrelevant, beneficial or unprofitable, that is where the Ghanaian youth display their argumentative prowess, academic experience and superiority over the Queen’s lexicon.

The Ghanaian youth, who is unemployed only goes to rest when he or she is hungry, and has to eat food, social media didn’t provide. After eating, the energy gained is wasted on social media again.
As if that is not enough, at night, dawn, at least the Ghanaian unemployed youth should put the phone somewhere and get a better sleep(rest), to ensure that all the human senses and systems are well refreshed for the next day’s activities and movements. That is a BIG NO for the jobless Ghanaian youth.

If you try to advise them them about importance of a good sleep(rest) at night to the human body, the usual response remains, sleep is for the weak.
Some will also mention names of rich people in the world who made it by not sleeping at night.
Come to think of it, the people who made it by not sleeping at night had a good reason of not sleeping, they were working for profitable gains, that is why you and I know them today, someone I advised told me about Bill Gate the last time, and I also asked him, does he know the medical budget of Bill Gate for a year, does he know how many times Bill Gate goes for medical checkup in a year.
How many times does the employed Ghanaian youth go for medical checkups, than to talk of the jobless.

In the 21st Century, social media is part of our daily lives, but as usual, the Ghanaian always over learn anything “Western”, even when it’s a known killer.
Visit a nearby hospital and check the death rate of the Ghanaian youth for a decade now, and compare it to the past, again, check the cause of majority of the death cases, now malaria, typhoid fever, hepatitis, fever is not killing the Ghanaian youth anymore, but Hypertension, Cardiovascular Diseases, Stroke and other diseases which could largely be mitigated if the human body was got enough rest.

Fellow future leaders and nation transformers, we have done what our society has asked of us, yet majority remain unemployed, regardless, whether employed or unemployed, you are keenly needed for the betterment of this country, you are a solution carrier to our problems as a country, the future is for us to control and manage, don’t truncate your precious life because of unprofitable sleepless nights, draw your schedule well, and get a better sleep at night, it’s the most important of all the sleeping times, kill the over addictive social media sensationalism before it kills you.

Good Night Sleep Is A Natural Energy Drink For An Active and Better Day.
Much Love and Salute Fellow Youth

Student Activist Of The Year, NSA 17

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