8th September 2024

Volta River Authority Resettlement Trust Fund secretariat on tuesday 30th July, 2019 officially handed over the newly completed 6-Unit teachers bungalow project to the good people of Grubi a resettlement community in the Krachi Nchumuru District in the newly created Oti Region.

A High powered delegation from the VRA Trust Fund secretariat was led by the Board Chairman, His Worship Rtd. Emmanuel Nana Antwi Barimah as the executive director, Mr. Richard Twum Barimah Koranteng and another board members joined him to hand over the project in a very colorful ceremony.

The very beautiful edifice which cost GHC 290,000. 00 was fully funded by the VRA Resettlement Trust Fund as part of their quest to improve the educational standards in the Resettlement communities around.

Hon. Maxwell Blagodzi, Deputy Minister – Oti Region was the special guest of honor at the commissioning ceremony as he applauded the efforts of the new leadership of the VRA Resettlement Trust Fund secretariat for giving this beautiful edifice to the education sector in his region which will serve as motivation to the teachers that will be posted to this community to stay and give their all.

Nana Antwi Barimah, Board Chairman of the VRA Trust Fund in his address stated that this project is strategically given to the Grubi community to help put a stop to the frequent exist of teachers when posted here due to the Rural nature of the community which has less accommodation to host the teachers which is affecting the teachings and learning standards in the community school.

The board Chairman continued to assured gathering that the trust fund secretariat under the able leadership of the Executive director, Mr. Richard Twum Barimah Koranteng are really committed to respond to the cries of the resettlers in the various resettlement communities as several projects are currently ongoing in most of their resettlement communities in the country.

He concluded by tasking the resettlers to own the expensively funded project as he advised the beneficiary institution which is the Ghana Education Service to take good care of the project to benefit the next generations.

The VRA Trust Fund secretariat officially signed the maiden project maintenance agreement with the Krachi Nchumuru District Assembly under the able leadership of Hon. Augustine Appiah – DCE, and the Grubi Town Development Committee who benefitted the new project regarding the aftermath maintenance protocols of the project which spells out the maintenance standing orders clearly.

Hon. Augustine Appiah, DCE for the area in his address expressed his heart felt appreciation to the Current leadership of the trust fund for responding to the infrastructure needs of the resettlers in the Grubi community in his district as he appeal to the VRA Resettlement Trust Fund to try and do more for the resettlement community in his area since the place is challenged and Government cannot do it alone.

In an interview with the executive director of the VRA Resettlement Trust Fund, Mr. Richard Twum Barimah Koranteng, he said seeing the good people living in the resettlement communities happy is his committed quest and he will keep working seriously with the board of directors to achieve that dream.

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