16th January 2025

1. Do women make better bosses than men?

It has always been a debatable topic. However, a study done on this subject over the time span of four decades seems to have found an answer. Going by the findings, females are better managers than their male counterparts because they tend to possess one crucial skill. What is it? Read on…

2. The one crucial skill

Gallup, an analytics and advisory company, conducted a survey on almost 27 million employees from across the globe and concluded women bosses tend to outperform their male counterparts at work because they are better at driving employee engagement.

3. What is employee engagement?

The researchers defined engaged employees as the ones who are enthusiastic, committed and actively involved in their work and workplace. Hence, the research suggests females are better in motivating their team members and improving their work performance.

4. Is your answer also a ‘yes’?

The researchers also claimed that employees working under a female manager were more likely to say ‘yes’ to the following statements:

“There is someone at work who encourages my development.”

“In the last six months, someone has talked to me about my progress.”

“In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.”

5. Why females make better managers

The research mentions that female managers ‘eclipse’ their male counterparts when it comes to setting basic expectations for their employees, building relationships with their subordinates, encouraging a positive team environment and providing employees with opportunities to develop within their careers. Are not these traits of an ideal manager?

6. Why work engagement matters

In case you are wondering about the importance of workplace engagement in the corporate world, about 87 per cent of the participants reported feeling disengaged at work. Employees are the backbone of a company, and it cannot thrive until its professionals are not able to give their best shot at work, isn’t it?

7. Other finding

Not just this, a study also states that organisations with highly-engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147 per cent in earnings per share. Well, the survey makes it obvious that women tend to have better employee-engagement skills than men and having them in the managerial positions would only benefit the organisation. Unfortunately, the irony is women across the world are struggling to get the same treatment and salary as their male counterparts.


source: adomonline.com

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