8th September 2024

Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta

Pensioner bondholders in Ghana have suspended their picketing at the Ministry of Finance following an agreement reached with the government over the payment of their locked-up funds. The bondholders had been protesting for several weeks, demanding the release of their funds which have been locked up for several years.

The picketing, which began in April, saw hundreds of pensioners camped outside the Ministry of Finance, calling on the government to release their funds. The pensioners had invested in government bonds but had not received their returns as promised.

However, after several rounds of negotiations, the bondholders and the government have reached an agreement on the payment of the funds. According to reports, the government has agreed to release the funds in a staggered manner, with the first tranche of payments to be made in the coming weeks.

The bondholders have expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations, saying that it is a positive step towards resolving the issue. They have also thanked the government for listening to their concerns and taking steps to address the matter.

“We are grateful to the government for finally listening to our cries and taking steps to resolve this issue. We have been suffering for far too long and it’s good to see that our voices have been heard,” one of the pensioners said.

The Ministry of Finance has also released a statement confirming the agreement and urging the bondholders to exercise patience as the payments are made.

“The government is committed to ensuring that all pensioner bondholders receive their funds. We urge the bondholders to exercise patience as we work towards fulfilling our obligations,” the statement read.

The suspension of the picketing comes as a relief to both the bondholders and the government, as the protests had caused disruptions to business activities in the area. The agreement reached between the two parties is a positive step towards resolving the issue and ensuring that pensioners receive their rightful returns on their investmentss.

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